Lately, more and more funeral homes, cemeteries, and funeral associations have been contacting me about helping them to establish their Internet presence and during the course of some of those conversations, they have asked me what is my expertise or experience with helping members of the funeral profession with their online marketing efforts. This includes funeral home websites, SEO, Social Media like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn, plus reputation management and online advertising like Google Adwords.
Instead of just forwarding a CV or resume, and keeping inline with the trends of the online world, I have created an INFOGRAPHIC depicting my expertise in all of these areas in a graphical format.
Please share your comments below – positive or negative – I would love to know your thoughts.
Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. (Wikipedia)
So, what do you think about the Infographic – please share your comments below…
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