Robin Heppell - Funeral Marketing Consultant - front

Lately, more and more funeral homes, cemeteries, and funeral associations have been contacting me about helping them to establish their Internet presence and during the course of some of those conversations, they have asked me what is my expertise or experience with helping members of the funeral profession with their online marketing efforts. This includes funeral home websites, SEO, Social Media like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn, plus reputation management and online advertising like Google Adwords.

Instead of just forwarding a CV or resume, and keeping inline with the trends of the online world, I have created an INFOGRAPHIC depicting my expertise in all of these areas in a graphical format.

Please share your comments below – positive or negative – I would love to know your thoughts.

Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. (Wikipedia)

Robin Heppell - Funeral Marketing Consultant - frontFront

Robin Heppell - Online Marketing ConsultantBack

So, what do you think about the Infographic – please share your comments below…

9 responses to “Robin Heppell – Funeral Industry Online Marketing Consultant [Infographic]”

  1. Terry Ward

    I see how you are differant.


  2. Jeff

    It’s obvious you are a specialist within the industry…given the amount of time you have been doing online marketing within the funeral niche. I have had clients for 3+ years and I know their industry well enough I could walk into any province or city and catapult a site to a whole new level with what I have learned by succeeding for local clients…. so for yourself/company to be dedicated to one niche for this long on a fulltime business warrants special pricing versus a standard Search Marketing Company. (pending reputation/experience of course) – I am sure your research, analytics and paid search data is huge huge as well as your own personal testing in the social media arena over the years and that costs money/time.

    In the end “Results” are what will win new clients and price should never be a deciding factor if a company has the testimonials and detailed background you present online that I have seen.

    The info-graphic is a fine way to showcase ones background and abilities. Good work.

    Do you have an archive of webinars or podcasts etc. that you have offered over time that is available? I’ve seen a couple but have missed a bunch also.


  3. Great job Hepp! Love the info displayed in a concise clear manner! After you read it it’s clear you know the market and truly offer a beneficial service that matches the price. I’m a firm believer you get what you pay for.

  4. […] Link This entry was posted in Business and tagged cemeteries, funeral associations, funeral homes, funeralfuturist, portfolio. Bookmark the permalink. ← Obesity is Gluttony Narrative […]

  5. […] Infographic Source This entry was posted in Business and tagged cemeteries, funeral associations, funeral homes, funeralfuturist, portfolio by Admin. Bookmark the permalink. […]

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