Hi, I am Robin Heppell, CFSP. If you want to grow your funeral home – both in market share and average funeral value – then this website can help you.
There are many great resources on this website that can help you out. Please see the Pages & Posts page or just use the Search (magnifying glass) at the top, right of the navigation.
Below you can view and download my latest resume, which describes in detail the path that I have taken and the results that I have achieved in Funeral Service.
That is followed by my video, 6 Forces to Funeral Dominance Online. This is a taste of some of the information that I have discovered and now share with you.
If you would like to hire me for either a project or a speaking arrangement, please complete the Contact Form.

Here is a video where I share my journey in funeral service and how I applied my strategies with a funeral home in a highly competitive, high cremation market: