Yellow Pages Expense
Yellow Pages Expense
What is your ROI on your Yellow Pages ad?

Has the Yellow Pages sales rep come to your funeral home lately – offering new services such as online directory listings & pay per click ads?

They are using the same FEAR tactics as they have done in the past with the print version, but the problem is that they use all of these terms like PPC, SEM, SEO, CTR, etc – terms that were never taught in Mortuary College or even business school up until a couple of years ago.

In the FREE webinar that I am hosting this Friday, October 22, 2010 (register at the bottom of this page), I am going to dissect their sales pitch (as I have some “inside” information) so that you will be totally prepared to make an informed decision.

Here’s what you are going to get out of this presentation:

  • 5 Online Stats You Need To Have Before Your Yellow Page Meeting
  • 6 Keys Factors for Your Yellow Page Print Ad
  • My Excel Spreadsheet – Your YP Factor (must attend entire meeting)
  • Your specific Yellow Page Question will be answered

Due to the nature and sensitivity of this presentation, it will be a private session for Funeral Home Owners & Managers. All registrations will be verified and approved. A recording of this session will be made available for purchase at a later date.

If you are a supplier or association representative, please forward this link to owners or managers that you know who would benefit from this information.

Webinar Details

Date: Friday, October 22, 2010

Time: 11:00 am PDT / 2:00 pm EDT

Registration: FREE

Note: For Funeral Home Owners & Managers Only

I hope that you can join me – fill out the registration form below…


Registration Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Funeral Home Name *
Email *
Phone *
Address *
City *
State / Prov. (2 Digit Code) *
Postal Code *
Call Volume *
0 to 150
151 to 350
351 to 500
501 to 1000
1001 and up
Yellow Pages Question



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