Yellow Page Consulting

Yellow Page Consulting

Online Market Snapshot — $97

  • Rankings for your website for the 4 most popular searches in Google, Yahoo & Bing
  • Rankings for your competitors for the 4 most popular searches in Google, Yahoo & Bing
  • Estimated number of local searches made for those popular searches
  • Online “Competitive Market Assessment” identifying Strengths & Areas for Improvement
  • “Cost Per Call” Worksheet so that you can make an informed marketing decision based on ROI for you Yellow Page ad
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Virtual Hepp in Attendance – $497

  • Online Market Snapshot (detailed above)
  • 1 hour pre-conference strategy session – via phone / Internet
  • 1 hour meeting with Yellow Page rep – tele / web conference service provided
  • 1 hour post-conference debrief to discuss and plan your YP adverting strategy
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Custom, Managed PPC Campaign (with Market Exclusivity) – $997

  • One-on-one initial consultation
  • Advanced keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Account setup with Google
  • Strategic ad copywriting & setup of campaigns, ad groups and keywords
  • Landing page selections/recommendations
  • Installation of Google Analytics and/or conversion tracking scripts

Monthly Management Fee – $200 /month + 15% of Ad Spend

  • Strategic bid management
  • Monitoring & tweaking your campaigns to continually improve performance
  • Monitoring clicks, conversions and click fraud activity
  • Refining and testing creative ads
  • Personal consultations as needed
  • Monthly performance reporting & strategy planning
  • Note: Minimum ad spend: $1,000 / month (or $150 minimum applies to management fee)
  • Exclusivity of our SEM / PPC Online consulting services in your market

Note: Ad creative are licensed to client during engagement of services.

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Yellow Pages Ad Program (with Market Exclusivity) – $2997

  • One-on-one strategy consultation
  • Advanced keyword research
  • Competitor analysis, assessment & identification of their weaknesses
  • 1 or 2 Custom Yellow Page Ad designs
  • Unique Custom Tracking URL and Phone Number
  • Custom Landing Page
  • Monthly Report
  • Ongoing Landing Page Optimization
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