If you want to offer discounts on Personalized Wristbands for Client Families and receive a referral fee for doing so, please complete and submit the form on the right.
- After registering via the form on this page, you will receive your discount code for your Funeral Home, plus you will a sample package or wristbands sent to you
- You give your client family your discount code or they can click the banner on your website
- The family places the order on the Wristband Connections website
- The wristbands are created and shipped to the family’s address or the funeral home
- The family receives their discount and you receive your commission
If you wish, you can register directly at WristbandConnections.com, by using their sign up form but you will not receive the free Premium Membership and you won’t receive the sample package of wristbands.
If you have any questions, please email me at robin@funeralfuturist.com.