Thank you for your interest in having me participate at your next conference.
Speaking Fees
Keynote Address: $1,500
Presentation: 1 – 3 hour or 1/2 day workshop facilitation (3 hours): $1,500
Presentation: 4 – 6 hour or full day workshop facilitation (6 hours): $2,000
Additional 6 hour day (for panel or round table discussions): $1,500
Travel And Accommodation Requirements:
Expenses: Unrestricted Coach Airfare from Victoria, BC, Canada, ground transportation and meals expenses will be billed by me to your organization within 10 days after presentation. These invoiced expenses are payable 10 days after receipt.
Hotel: Your organization is to confirm that a reservation has been made for 3 nights hotel accommodation, late arrival guaranteed, billed directly to your organization’s master account. I require just a regular, non-smoking room that includes Internet access & fitness facility access.
Technical Requirements:
Wireless/lavaliere microphone and LCD projection panel – VGA or SVGA compatible with a 15 pin VGA adapter or HDMI input. I will bring my own laptop; and it must be within 30 feet of me on stage for my wireless mouse. No podium required.
Promotional Materials Provided
I will provide you with the following:
- A print-ready ad for your newsletter at your desired specifications
- A full page (8.5 x 11) .pdf that you can email as an attachment or upload to your website
- Any necessary promotional pictures or headshots in your desired file format
Attendance at Social Events
I will make myself available to attend all of your social events (travel arrangements permitting).
Recording of Presentations
I will record (audio or video) my presentations. I will provide your funeral home, association or group with one digital copy for your library.
Payment Terms
50{3db447a3d15cdd5fee0056f5b67b26f487ac32ee9ff2df503ef9d094aa08703e} of the speaking fee is payable upon the agreement of the date, times and terms and the 50{3db447a3d15cdd5fee0056f5b67b26f487ac32ee9ff2df503ef9d094aa08703e} balance is payment at the arrival at conference or in advance. All travel costs are payable as incurred.
Revenue Opportunities
Additional Workshops & Private Consultations
If you like to offer your members a technical workshop in addition to the full registration, I will split all proceeds 50/50 and will assist in the promotion of the workshop. The association may also choose to offer a discount to its members from its portion of the revenue. The same revenue sharing would apply to private consultations that are promoted by the association.
If you feel that you did not received value for your investment, I will refund the entire speaking fee.