Funeral Home Internet Espionage

I hope that you liked the short video (the “FILETYPE:” search operator for Google is Awesome – I use it all of the time!)

I want you to join me for this SUPER SECRET WEB SEMINAR!

You are going to learn the steps that I take when performing “Espionage” for my clients and for myself.

I know that you understand why I have to charge for this one – I give away a ton of free info, but there are some things that I have to put a barrier in front of (especially my competitors).

I guarantee you though that it will be worth the $97*. Not only will you get over 60 minutes of cool, espionage tricks and tips, but I will also mail you the DVD – and if after the live session you felt that you didn’t get your money’s worth, just let me know and I will give you a refund.

Thursday, February 12, 2009 : 1:00 pm PST / 4:00 pm EST
(if you can’t make it, you will still get the DVD)


DETAILS: This online seminar will show you how to SPY on your competitors.

  • How are they positioning themselves online?
  • Who are their allies?
  • Why are they ranking higher than you in Google?
  • Are they getting bad press?
  • Could there be expansions in the works?
  • How to download documents from their site without them knowing?
  • Get all of these questions answered plus…
  • You will learn my time-saving techniques while surfing the Internet.


* All fees are in US Funds. Taxes may apply.
Funeral Spy Guy