You Were Remarketed To…

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Thank you for your interest in the Google Remarketing program offered by Funeral Futurist!

 Just as a bit of a recap…

Why you should use Remarketing to Promote Preneed and Your Brand for Your Funeral Home?

Remarketing gets results…

  • Generally, it is very hard to message to people who have visited your site to read obituaries
  • If you have been following my obit strategies you will be getting 10,000s+ visitors to your website every month
  • Retarget these visitors with the right message to compel them to pre-arrange

Can You do Remarketing on your own?

Sure, but watch out for some of these mistakes that Do-It-Yourselfers make…

  • They use auto-generated ads that don’t give off the best branding image for their firm
  • Just drive traffic to their home page
  • Don’t think through the entire process
  • They leave out “The Obvious Next Step” – no clear call to action

How can Hepp help me?

After registering for our Remarketing Program, we will create 3 4 campaigns

  • Campaign 1: Why Pre-arrange with Us?
  • Campaign 2: Free Preplanning Resource Kit
  • Campaign 3: Free Videos about Pre-planning
  • Bonus Campaign: Image / Branding / Difference

What we specifically do for you in our Remarketing Campaign set up and management?

We look after all of the moving parts

  • We set up the Remarketing Account with Google
  • We create the Tracking Code that goes on your website*
  • We create the graphical ads for the various ad sizes
  • We create the text for the landing pages
  • We create the Resource Kit to be downloaded
  • We produce the videos after getting the audio from you

Note: * If you are not a Funeral Futurist Website client, you will have to get your web developer to ad the TAG to your website / obituary pages. This should take no longer than 30 minutes (usually it takes just 10 minutes or less)

Special Fall Offer

If you join the program before October 31, 2013

  • You save $600 off the $3,500 program fee
  • So you pay the one time fee of $2,900, plus $200 / month management fee
  • Actual cost per click charges are paid by you directly to Google

Just think that by the time your competitors come back from a lazy summer, they will have no clue why you’re ads are everywhere…
They will think that you have doubled or tripled your advertising budget…
In reality you just out-marketed them!

Get Started Now – Complete This Form